Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hospital Day 3-Back to Hotel

Up early since I got some good sleep and am glad to report that the fever is down to 98.9. I am getting one unit of blood right now and am anxiously awaiting breakfast and news from the cultures. Hoping that all of this was just a neutropenic fever, meaning a natural response to having no white counts.

I hope others took part in the National Day of Listening and recorded someone on StoryCorps. Although I wasn't much in the mood for an interview yesterday, I hope to sit down with my grandfather in the near future and gather the many stories.

More later...

Fever is back to normal and we are heading back to the hotel tonight!
We have to continue with the IV antibiotics ourselves and found out that white count went up a bit to 130. After seeing our excitement, the nurse reminded us it isn't quite time to be rolling around with runny-nosed kids.

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